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Parents to be: Use this pregnancy technology

Technology like apps, devices, and tools have become so integrated into our lives that many of us don’t even think twice about using it these days. There is little doubt that it has drastically improved our lives in Singapore and new advancements are being made nearly every day to make our lives just that much better. This is especially true when it comes to pregnancy. There is now an abundance of gadgets that make it easier and safer. Here, we take a look at pregnancy technology and its link to health insurance.

Gadgets for before the pregnancy

According to the CIA’s World Factbook, the average age of a first time mother in Singapore is 30.5 (as of 2015), among the highest in the world. This age is predicted to increase as many mothers put off having their first baby. The concern here is that as a women ages, it can be harder to fall pregnant. To increase the chances of pregnancy, doctors are increasingly turning to technology. Some examples of this in use include:

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Ovulation apps

To further increase the chances of becoming pregnant, many mothers are turning to apps and online solutions that help them track their menstrual cycle to determine the days they are most fertile. By knowing this, you face a higher chance of conceiving.

There are many apps out there including Pacific Prime’s own Ovulation Calendar which can be found here. By entering three simple pieces of information our calendar can tell you the days you are most fertile and even estimates a due date based on these days.  

Male fertility trackers

It’s not just women who have fertility issues. The Mayo Clinic estimates that of the 15% of couples with fertility issues, male fertility issues can affect up to half of these couples. While seeing a doctor about any fertility concerns is always the best solution, there are some tech gadgets that can help men.

One such example is Trak, a male fertility testing system. Utilizing an app and centrifugal device, this system helps men to measure the quality of their sperm in their home. From there, the app can teach you how to improve your results which can, in turn, lead to a higher chance of pregnancy.

Pregnancy technology for during the pregnancy

For moms who are already pregnant, there are a wide variety of tech solutions and gadgets available that help not only ensure a healthy pregnancy but also connect with their developing baby. Here are two:

Play sounds for the baby

The science is still out on whether playing certain sounds like music or recordings of your voice will have a positive impact on your baby’s early development, but there are studies and reports (like this one on Livestrong) out there that have linked music recognition and alertness in newborns. Other articles like this one on WebMD report that language development can actually start in the womb.

It appears that playing soft sounds and music likely won’t hurt the development of your baby, and there are indeed a great many gadgets such as BellyBuds available that allow you to play sound and recordings to your baby.  

Track and listen to the baby’s heartbeat

Another popular piece of technology tech-savvy mothers are using during pregnancy is the portable ultrasound, like the Bellabeat Shell. This device attaches to your phone and uses leading-edge sound technology that allows you to listen to, record, and even share your baby’s heartbeat.

Tech for the newborn baby

Ask any parent and they will tell you that raising a child is one of the most rewarding things one can experience. Many will also say that the first few months are tough. As with everything these days, an increasing amount of technology is available to help make your baby’s first few months that much easier. Here are two examples where pregnancy technology is being utilized.

To measure your baby’s sleep

Sleep is important for people regardless of age. In order to ensure that mom, dad, baby, and any other caregiver gets quality sleep it might help to monitor your infant’s sleep. One solution that allows you to do this is Mimo.

What’s cool about this is that it’s actually a piece of smart clothing that can monitor your baby’s sleep. Think of it as a snuggie/onesie with a sleep tracker built into the cloth which can track your baby’s temperature, position, and breathing in real time.  

To measure your baby’s temperature

Having a sick baby is not fun for anyone, especially when you need to take your baby’s temperature on a regular basis and they are asleep. One solution is the smart pacifier like the Pacif-i.

This pacifier has a sensor built into it that allows you to quickly and easily take your baby’s temperature and share it via a companion app and Bluetooth.  

Pregnancy technology and your health insurance

Finally, it is important to discuss how pregnancy technology links with your health insurance. Firstly, almost all of the tech listed in this article will not usually be covered by your health insurance plan. The link here is that it is essential that before you use any tech, especially gadgets that could impact the health of yourself or your baby, it would be a good idea to talk with your doctor.

In Singapore, many expats will likely go to the private facilities which could be quite costly. It would, therefore, be a good idea to ensure you secure maternity coverage and insurance for babies (which can be added on to most health insurance plans). This can help offset the cost of doctor visits and potentially shed some light on the effective use of technology before, during, and after pregnancy.

One thing to be aware of here, however, is that there are waiting limits attached to maternity plans in Singapore, usually 10 months. This time must pass before you can start to submit plans so it would be beneficial to plan ahead.

If you are looking to learn more about maternity insurance contact Pacific Prime Singapore today.

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Senior Content Creator at Pacific Prime Singapore
Serena Fung is a Senior Content Creator at Pacific Prime, a global insurance brokerage and employee specialist serving over 1.5 million clients in 15 offices across the world. With 2+ years of experience writing about the subject, she aims to demystify the world of insurance for readers with the latest updates, guides and articles on the blog.

Serena earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, Canada. As such, she is an avid advocate of mental health and is fascinated by all things psychology (especially if it’s cognitive psychology!).

Her previous work experience includes teaching toddlers to read, writing for a travel/wellness online magazine, and then a business news blog. These combined experiences give her the skills and insights she needs to explain complex ideas in a succinct way. Being the daughter of an immigrant and a traveler herself, she is passionate about educating expats and digital nomads on travel and international health insurance.
Serena Fung