Pacific Prime CXA and Will & Legacy presents

Securing Your Legacy:

The Importance of Having a Will



4:00pm - 5:15pm



Thu, 17 Oct 2024



Virtual Session

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Who would be (legally) responsible for your children in Singapore if you were to pass away?
If you were to pass away, where will your assets be allocated?
How to move funds of a deceased outside of Singapore
Legal Guardianship of Orphans in Singapore
Who can my children be released to?
How long does this take? With & Without a Will(for both topics)
Legal Costs & Timeframe: With & Without a Will


Mr Johann Tay

Will and Trust Advisor

  • Will & Legacy, a family business since 2007, specializes in Will & Trust solutions for all spectrums of society.
  • Johann Tay, Will and Trust Advisor, believes that everyone deserves an estate plan, regardless of background and each experience better equips him to serve the still-living.
  • His consults are diagnostic, customizing a solution based on a client’s circumstance and position in life.
  • Johann also conducts trainings and seminars for the public and organisations frequently, so as to create awareness of crafting a lasting legacy for oneself.
  • Notable engagements include Boeing, M1, Singtel,Mapletree, Oracle, FPAS and Loreal SG.

Don’t leave your Global Legacy to Chance!
