Pacific Prime CXA & HSBC Life presents

Navigating Inflation:

Empowering Your Workforce with Maximised Employee Benefits

Date: 21 July 2023
Time: 9:00 AM to 01:00 PM

Venue: Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC)
Tower 2, Level 45

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Featured Speakers

Alvin Aloysius Goh

Executive Director
Singapore Human Resource Institute (SHR)
Navigating Inflation:
Empowering Your Workforce with Maximised Employee Benefits

Dr. Walter Lim

Country Managing Director
Fullerton Healthcare Group (Singapore)
Chronic Disease, Our Post-Pandemic Battle:
Digital Tools & Programs for Sustainable Health Costs

Gautam Mahey

Head of Property, Casualty & Financial Lines
at Pacific Prime CXA
Work Injury Compensation:
Inflationary Effects, Increased Liabilities and Maximising Benefits

Unlock the secrets to effectively navigate the impact of inflation on your workforce!

Is your company prepared to tackle the challenges brought by inflation while empowering your employees with maximised benefits? We invite you to join our upcoming event and gain valuable insights from industry experts who will reveal strategies for enhancing employee benefits at the workplace.
Should you have any questions, please contact Aya Alimkulova at